The Adamic Covenant (New Living Translation) Gen. 3:15 {God to Satan:} I will make you and your brood {demons} enemies of the woman and all her children; The woman’s child will stomp your head, and you will strike his heel. 16 {God to Eve} As a consequence of your actions, I will increase your suffering—the pain of childbirth, and the sorrow of bringing forth the next generation. You will desire your husband; but rather than a companion, He will be the dominant partner. 17 (God to Adam) Because you followed your wife’s advice instead of My command and ate of the tree ffrom which I had forbidden you to eat, cursed is the ground. For the rest of your life,You will fight for every crumb of food from the crusty clump of clay I made you from. 18 As you labor, the ground will produce thorns and thistles, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 Your brow will sweat for your mouth to taste even a morsel of bread until the day you return to the very ground I made you from. From dust you have come, and to dust you shall return. * * * * *