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Fifth Quarter

Fifth Quarter happens after select Fairland home games. It is an opportunity for kids (middle school thru high school) to come and just be kids for a few hours longer. Pizza, games, and a short devotion are presented. It's always lots of fun (and we love seeing cell phones left on the bleachers while the kids engage each other)!

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Vacation Bible School 2024

VBS is a premiere event at Beulah-a week long ministry focusing on teaching children about Jesus! This year we had a strong man, a lion tamer, crafts, games, and snacks. Enjoy the pictures from this year's VBS and plan to join us next year (Date TBD). 

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Praise Factory

Praise Factory is our youth program for children ages 3 through 12th grade. Friends, games, snacks, music, and worship make the environment fun and inviting for all!